Hemorrhoids - Radiofrequency ablation (Rafaelo®)

Modern, low-pain surgery for hemorrhoidal disease under local anesthesia

Rafaelo  Check
Therapy time: 10-15 minutes
Hospitalization: No
Open wounds: No
Incapacity for work: 1-3 days

General anesthesia No, for larger findings possibly yes

Costs: Currently covered by TK and mkk, otherwise self-payer service

What is Rafaelo Therapy?

RAFAELO Radiofrequency ablation proctology berlin

This is a new surgical treatment procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis and, in contrast to other procedures, is very painless.


A major advantage over all other surgical procedures is the possibility of an operation without general anesthesia.


In most cases, the hemorrhoidal cushions of 2-3 degrees are cauterized with a heat probe (radiofrequency ablation) under local anaesthesia (the patient is awake). The dead tissue slowly dissolves and the reduced blood flow causes the hemorrhoidal tissue to shrink and scar after 4-6 weeks. During this “remodeling process”, patients have no or only very minor restrictions.


The procedure has been established in vein surgery for years and is an integral part of the low-pain treatment options. The outpatient procedure takes a maximum of 15 minutes and patients can go home after a short monitoring phase for post-operative bleeding.


Afterwards, there are no restrictions in everyday life and a sick note is usually only necessary for 1-3 days. Very rarely, painful swelling of the nodes may occur in the following days, which can be easily treated with anti-inflammatory medication.


The costs for this new procedure will be covered by the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) and mkk health insurance companies as well as most private health insurance companies. Other company health insurance funds are expected to follow in 2025.


Incidentally, the word Rafaelo® does not stand for a chocolate, but for “Radio Frequency Treatment of Haemorrhoids under Local Anaesthesia”


The homogeneous treatment ensures:

  • Tissue reduction in the hemorrhoidal node
  • Closure of the arteries that supply the hemorrhoidal node
  • Maximum preservation of muscle, anoderm and mucosa
  • Restoration of the natural anatomy
  • No foreign bodies, e.g. staples, need to be attached and - unlike other methods - there is no risk of stenosis with Rafaelo®.
  • Healing is excellent as there are no incisions compared to conventional operations.

The procedure does not cause any wounds in the anal skin or inside the anal canal. As a result, the patient has less post-operative pain and can return to normal activities within a short time.

“We have been using the RAFAELO method regularly in large numbers since 2015 and have nationwide expertise”

What exactly happens during the Rafaelo treatment?

Rafaelo therapy proctology berlin

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. After inserting a proctoscope, the local anesthetic is injected painlessly between the hemorrhoidal node and the rectal wall.

Rafaelo therapy proctology berlin

This is followed by thermocoagulation with a heat probe for approx. 60-200 seconds per hemorrhoidal node with 1800-2500 joules. The hemorrhoid and hemostasis occur simultaneously. 

Rafaelo therapy proctology berlin

Finally, the patient is cooled with compresses and the blood is checked for dryness. Patients can leave the practice on their own after a brief monitoring and check for post-operative bleeding.

Surgery cannot be performed on the following patients:

  • Pregnancy
  • Heart disease (including pacemakers)
  • Skin infections in the anal area
  • Anal fissures or infectious diseases such as cryptitis or proctitis
  • Existing staples after Longo surgery or cancer surgery in the rectal area.

For a better understanding of the operation, there is an animated video on You Tube. It clearly shows you the course of the RAFAELO method. 

For patients with a longer journey, we can offer a combined appointment over 2 days. On the first day, the patient is examined and, if necessary, informed about the operation. However, not all patients are suitable for this form of therapy! Please make an appointment at: op@copv.berlin


Hemorrhoids - Laser therapy

Safe laser treatment of hemorrhoids with the LHP method

Laser therapy Check
Therapy time: 10-15 minutes
Hospitalization: No
Open wounds: 2-3 very small wounds on the anus where the laser fiber was inserted
Incapacity for work: 1-5 days

General anesthesia: Yes

Costs: Currently covered by TK and mkk, otherwise self-payer service

Laser hemorrhoidoplasty (LHP). This procedure gives you the opportunity to treat second and third degree hemorrhoids much more gently compared to conventional surgical procedures. There is considerably less pain and the time off work is only a few days.


During laser treatment, energy is applied centrally to the respective hemorrhoidal node in a controlled manner. The sensitive anoderm and mucosa (mucosa) are preserved to a high degree.

The homogeneous laser radiation of the LHP® fiber, which is necessary for this procedure, ensures

  • Tissue reduction in the hemorrhoidal node
  • Closure of the arteries that supply the hemorrhoidal node
  • Maximum preservation of muscle, anoderm and mucosa
  • Restoration of the natural anatomy

Laser coagulation can be used to treat single or multiple hemorrhoidal nodes in one session. The controlled delivery of laser energy to the hemorrhoidal cushions causes the hemorrhoidal nodes to shrink.


In addition, the mucous membrane is repositioned in its original position in the rectum by strengthening the underlying connective tissue. This prevents the development or re-development of a prolapse, i.e. the hemorrhoidal tissue hanging out of the anus.


No foreign bodies, e.g. staples, need to be attached and - unlike other methods - there is no risk of stenosis with LHP®. Healing is excellent as there are no incisions and only very small stitches of 3 mm compared to conventional operations.


The hemorrhoid is reached through this small opening at the edge of the anus. This procedure does not cause any wounds in the anal skin or inside the anal canal. As a result, the patient has less post-operative pain and can return to normal activities within a short time. 

  • No large cuts 
  • No stitches 
  • Small open wounds, no oozing
  • Minimal pain
  • Short absence from work - ideal for the self-employed

What exactly happens during laser treatment?

1. Die Laserfaser wird unter Sicht genau im Zentrum des Hämorrhoidenpolsters platziert.

1. the laser fiber is positioned

under vision exactly in the center of the

hemorrhoidal cushion

placed under vision.

2. the LHP® laser fiber is used to

each haemorrhoid from the inside

from the inside out using heat.

3. as a result of the treatment

the haemorrhoids reduce in size

and slowly recede over 4-6 weeks.

For a better understanding of the laser method, Biolitec has an animated video on You Tube. This clearly shows you the course of the operation using the LHP method. 

You are welcome to book an appointment with our doctors. 

We look forward to hearing from you.